The Catalog is where you can find all of the content Voxy provides to help you learn the English you need to succeed. In the Courses & Units section, you can choose from a variety of subjects for you to learn the English you need for your job, university, or career aspirations. Some courses might not be available to the beginner or high beginner students, due to the difficulty of a particular topic. You are also able to find what you want easily, by using the search field, filtering content by status, type, and level.
- Enrolled: courses or units where you have previously clicked "enroll" on the course/unit page
- Not enrolled: opposite of enrolled
- Completed: courses or units you have completed already
- All: any of the status above
Level: You can select at least 2 levels, and results will display only content that can be accessed with those levels.
- Courses: Courses are designed to prepare you for specific objectives like reaching your next proficiency level or succeeding in a particular career in English. They usually have several units covering a related topic.
- Course Units: Course Units are made up of lessons that are carefully chosen and sequenced to help you achieve specific objectives. They are the building blocks of a Course, and you have to enroll in the Course it belongs to before starting them.
- Dynamic Units: Dynamic Units are generated for you based on the topic of the unit, your level, and the most recently published lessons. You can repeat this unit as many times as you like with newly published lessons!
If you are a beginner and want to start from scratch, you can do so by subscribing to the Beginner Literacy English or Beginner English. Both of them will give a solid base to take off your English.
The catalog page also shows recommended lessons for you. Here it is a FAQ about it:
1- Why am I seeing these specific lessons recommended to me?
These lessons are being recommended based on your user profile, which was created upon first onboarding. Your profile can be edited on the web app, by clicking on your initials on the navbar > Profile and selecting the areas which you want to update.
2- What's the difference between what's being recommended on the Learner Home and in the Catalog?
They are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Learner Home is a simpler, quick shortcut to do lessons that match your goals & interests.
3- What happened to the lesson I dismissed (clicked on X)?
They were removed from your recommendation stream area, both in the Learner Home and in the Catalog page. But don't worry, you can still find them in the Lessons tab in the Catalog page
4- Are these lessons different from what I see on the Lesson's page?
No, they are exactly the same. The difference is that we recommend these lessons based on your user profile, which was created during onboarding.
You can also select a course that better fits your professional interests as well as your career aspirations. We are continually publishing new courses to cover all industries and subjects, giving you more relevant content to study. You can scroll down the Catalog page to check all courses available to you.
Find out how to navigate the Catalog to get the most out of all of our content by clicking here!